

The purpose of the Document is to provide essential information about the Research and recommendation Services in a manner to assist and enable the prospective client/client in making an informed decision for engaging in Research and recommendation services before investing.

Descriptions about “Worthwhiz Financial”

Worthwhiz Financial is to provide research and recommendations services to the clients. Analyst aligns its interests with those of the client and seeks to provide the best-suited services.

Terms and conditions of Research and Recommendation Services

The medium of Worthwhiz Financial services is only SMS thus Please do trade only on SMS provided by Worthwhiz Financial . Please don’t trade on Verbal calls. Telephonic support provided, if any, will only be to confirm the Recommendations provided through SMS. No separate Recommendations are being provided through Telephone. DO NOT Trade on Telephonic calls.

The information or advice or consultation provided on the site or by us is purely an area of research, which is susceptible to the constant changes in the market. No such information or Recommendations or consultation can be held against us and the same is nothing more than our professional service based on our technical expertise, which may vary from other experts. The subscriber or user voluntarily agrees to take into consideration our inputs while making investments. Worthwhiz Financial shall not be responsible or liable for any loss.

We at Worthwhiz Financial hold all rights to terminate or modify the subscription of any Subscribers from our services at any time. Worthwhiz Financial Firm shall not be liable to pay charges or refund. Worthwhiz Financial will have the exclusive right to change or modify our policies, disclosures, and information provided on our platform without any notice. All visitors and subscribers to our site shall deem to have accepted the same.

Worthwhiz Financial does not provide any guarantees in the stock market/share market. Every individual will be responsible for his or her own fund/buying/selling. We at Worthwhiz Financial will have no legal responsibility or liability towards any loss of health, wealth, or damages.

Recommendations given to you are based on Worthwhiz Financial judgments and the information available at a particular point in time. However, Worthwhiz Financial or its employees are not responsible for the losses or gains made through the recommendations. Clients are advised to exercise our recommendations at their own risk. Worthwhiz Financial shall not be responsible for the failure of connectivity of network and internet for any reason. Stock market investments and trading are subject to market risk, in case of any full or partial capital loss, Worthwhiz Financial or any of its employees are not responsible and not liable for any compensation.

The fee paid shall be nonrefundable. User, visitor, or subscriber agrees by making a fee payment that he has read and agreed to our terms & conditions and various disclosures.

Disclosures with respect to Research and Recommendations Services